Hot Off the Press! Graded mesoderm assembly governs cell fate and morphogenesis of the early mammalian
/Published in the Cell journal last month, former lab member and postdoctoral scholar Martin Dominguez along with lab members Jonathon Muncie and Alexis Krup discovered how to longitudinally reconstruct early murine cardiac development at single-cell resolution using four-dimensional whole-embryo light sheet imaging with improved and accessible computational tools. The practicable live embryo imaging approach defines spatial origins and behaviors of cardiac progenitors and identifies their unanticipated morphological transitions. This approach allows tracking the path of an individual cell as the heart develops and revealed unexpected patterns in cell movement that were not captured in previous static images.
“The Most Amazing Thing I’ve Ever Seen:” Heart Development Comes Alive, A Q&A with Gladstone Investigator Benoit Bruneau, delves into this immaculate discovery by his team and the process behind this approach.
Dominguez MH, Krup AL, Muncie JM, Bruneau BG. Graded mesoderm assembly governs cell fate and morphogenesis of the early mammalian heart. Cell. 2023 Feb 2;186(3):479-496.e23. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.01.001.PMID:36736300.